‘Hope and Change’ in Obama’s Cuba: Dissident in ICU after hunger strike demanding freedom

Via Notes from the Cuban Exile Quarter:

Cuban hunger striker in intensive care in Cuba
Activist near death, mother asks to pray for her son
Photo by @IvanLibre of Yuriet Pedroso on hunger strike in March 2015

Opposition activist Yuriet Pedroso González was transfered to intensive care in the Hospital Arnaldo Milián Castro, in Santa Clara, due to his deteriorating health status following 60 days on hunger strike reported his mother,  Mavis González Tápanes, according to a video and audio published by Radio Republica.

González Tápanes said that her son “suffers collateral damage in a kidney”, among other complications. The 34 year old activist is a member of the Central Opposition Coalition and has been hospitalized since April 13th.

Yuriet started the hunger strike on March 2, 2015 demanding that he be exonerated from the charge of “assault” made against him and that he considers a “manipulation.” His actual “crime” was to place posters critical of the regime in public locations of Esperanza, in Villa Clara, according to dissidents.

Hablemos Press reported that state security agent Osmani Ruiz, in Villa Clara, told the hunger striker’s mother, Mavis González Tápanes, that “if he dies that is not our problem.”

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