Castro’s new Republican friends

Castro’s propaganda ministry is not notorious for fawning over Republicans. But lately they’ve been gushing over the Ranking Republican member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Senator Richard Lugar.

“Changing Cuba Policy-Staff Trip Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate,” is the title of the report Senator Lugar released on Tuesday February 24th to delirious and unanimous acclaim from the mainstream media. This acclaim– to the surprise of no Cuba-watchers–was quickly echoed in Havana.

Typically, as with anything spoken or written regarding Castro and Cuba that receives such Beltway media acclaim, the report is a compendium of idiotic cliches that historical knowledge, a few minutes of research, or even a command of the English language render asinine. Entire article here.

6 thoughts on “Castro’s new Republican friends”

  1. Kudos to Humberto for yet another incredible dissection. You have to be one of the best journalist around!

    If instead of Cuba, this shameful charade involving a powerful international company, an allegedly non-partisan think tank and a ranking republican senator, targeted a country like pre-apartheid South Africa, Pinochet’s Chile, or Somoza’s Nicaragua, you can bet your bottom dollar that Humberto’s piece would be featured as an editorial in the New York Times and the Washington Post, or that he would have been invited for some round table discussion on one of those ABC, CBS or NBC Sunday Morning Programs.

  2. Humberto Fontova you tend to over-analyze a ton of stuff.You should look into the translation

  3. Humberto, first and foremost it is an honor to comment one regarding one of your posts, as I am a huge fan of yours.

    SeanPenn1Fan, get a life you trolling bastard.

    Go back to reading Granma, Al Jazeera, Move On, Daily Kos, NY Times and watching Rachel/Olbermann on MSNBC.

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