5 thoughts on “Spain declines to prosecute over “torture” in Cuba”

  1. An e-mail from a Bill O’Reilly reader brought up the exact same point. Spain won’t prosecute Castro, and the land they expropriated yet they decide to try former U.S. government officials?? Obvious attempt to embarrass our country. And of course, no word from our President!

    We could boycott Spain, but as Dennis Miller mentioned, what the hell is there to boycott??

  2. Lazaro,

    I agree that Spain’s atempt to prosecute members of Bush’s administration is ridiculous, but I beg to differ with your statement with regards to “Remember the Maine.”

    It is a well documented FACT that the Spanish did not blow up the USS Maine. There’s a documentary depicting the events that led up to its INTERNAL explosion.

  3. “Remember the Maine! To Hell with Spain!” is an old catch phrase. I’m not making any comment on what caused the Maine to explode. Screw Zapatero and his socialist cronies.

  4. Oh, thank God!

    Now I won’t have to boycott Spanish olives …


    I’m serious! I eat those suckers like candy.

    THIS is WHY we MUST stay the hell out of and away from The World Court …

    Our military members would be charged with “crimes” during war.
    At their assclown digression.

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