Hate-filled hard-liners punish the hard-working, friendly people of Indiana with a cruel, vindictive embargo

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“Gov. Cuomo ( who will soon travel to Cuba) and Mayor de Blasio (who honeymooned in Cuba) said Tuesday that they are banning state and city government employees from traveling to Indiana in the wake of a controversial law that critics say would allow for discrimination against gays and lesbians.”

Hillary Clinton is in no position to embargo anything–but she lends her moral support.

Here at Babalu we proudly advocate dialogue, commerce–and especially–tourism to Indiana. Only when we truly open our hearts and minds will we finally move forward to ending these seemingly intractable divisions and encouraging the ongoing reforms in that beautiful state.


“Gosh! We had the most wonderful time on our visit with our friends to Indiana!..The people are so warm and friendly..We long for the day when this absurd and counterproductive embargo is lifted and everyone will be free to travel to amazing, fun-filled Indiana!” (Shirley and Humberto Fontova, from Louisiana–bottom right.)

7 thoughts on “Hate-filled hard-liners punish the hard-working, friendly people of Indiana with a cruel, vindictive embargo”

  1. Mayor Wilhelm looks like a serial killer. Cuomo looks like a MAJOR prick with constipation issues. Hillary looks like…Hillary (discovering yet another vast right-wing conspiracy, no doubt). All of these people are meaningless in and of themselves; their real significance is what they say about a society that would enable them to the point they’ve been enabled. Lord have mercy.

  2. Does Mayor Wilhelm look like he’d attract a “former lesbian”? Does Cuomo look like he’d attract anybody? Sheesh.

  3. Well, Humberto, you’re lucky Shirley was into “diversity” before that was all the rage and that her parents were “progressive” enough to accept you.

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