WHOOPS!–Marco Rubio mourns Jeff Fake’s retirement, hails Castro’s top champion on Capitol Hill as a “high quality guy and very principled” –LE ZZZUMBA!

“Jeff is a friend of mine. We disagree on one fundamental issue, very strongly, on Cuba, but have been able to do so very respectfully,” Rubio told reporters on Wednesday when asked about Flake’s extraordinary speech a day earlier denouncing Trump….Rubio said he’d only read excerpts and called Flake a “high quality guy and very principled” but did not embrace Flake’s tactics.”

Rubio praised Flake as “a solid conservative” who is “as principled as anyone in the Senate.”

Let’s be realistic, amigos. Opposition to the  (so-called) Cuba embargo isn’t (by itself) a barometer of morality or  intelligence.  I’m guessing we all have opponents within our circle of friends and even close family. Usually  this opposition stems from ignorance of the issue–not closely following the issue–not realizing how ALL the observable evidence PROVES that lifting the (so-called) embargo is the Castro regime’s main goal and has been for decades. All this along with not following the evidence showing how EVERY relaxation of the sanctions has INCREASED repression an terror-sponsorship by the Castro-Crime-Family. OK, fine.

(Top left.) Jeff Flake yukking it up with Cuban eunuch “Foreign Minister” Bruno Rodriguez (Top right.) and Cuba’s eunuch V. Pres.” Diaz-Canel.

Understood. No problemo. But that type of ignorance and/or indifference is one thing–and a perfectly normal thing, even for many people who would otherwise consider themselves “conservative.” Let’s face it, Cuba–much less the (so-called) embargo–is hardly relevant to the daily lives of most Americans.  And the snippets they hear of it in the media mantra as “failed,” “counterproductive” blah…blah…can’t help but fuel their ignorance and/or indifference. Fine. Understood. No problemo.

But the sponsorship and championship against Cuba sanctions of somebody like Flake–coupled with his frequent trips to  Cuba with red-carpet treatment by the Castro-Family-Crime-Syndicate–this type of relentless and fanatical sponsorship for terror-sponsoring mass-murderers is a completely different animal. “Respecting” such a sponsor as “highly-principled” strikes me as…well, peculiar.


(Cuba “expert” Phil Peters, long-time cohort of Jeff Flake who often accompanies him to the Castro-Family-Fiefdom.)

On some of his frequent trips to Cuba Sen. Flake was accompanied by the infamous Cuba “expert” Phil Peters, who was outed by Babalu Blog co-founder Henry Gomez as a recipient of under-the-table-payments from the Castro regime’s business partners on behalf of his relentless propagandizing against the (so-called) embargo.

And why not? Way back in 2002–shortly upon entering congress–Senator Flake founded the infamous “Cuba Working Group,” to which Phil Peters was an “advisor.”


“Humberto Fontova is a gifted polemicist who pulls no punches. A great service for liberty, justice and truth.” (The Weekly Standard  on Fidel; Hollywood’s Favorite Tyrant.)



3 thoughts on “WHOOPS!–Marco Rubio mourns Jeff Fake’s retirement, hails Castro’s top champion on Capitol Hill as a “high quality guy and very principled” –LE ZZZUMBA!”

  1. Ignorance? BS. What is Rubio thinking? Good grief. I live in Texas and have supported Rubio.
    What to do now?
    Estamos perdidos.


  2. Few are the times I’ve mentioned Marco Rubio without using the term “come-mierda”… His heart is in the right place but he is a romantic “politicucho” who lacks discerning quality.

  3. If Rubio can’t hear himself talk and/or doesn’t realize what he sounds like, he’s a far worse politician than I once thought–and I mean politician as such, from a purely professional standpoint. This supports my impression, which I’ve had for a while, that he overestimates his capacity, skills or assets, as in trying to be too clever by half and thinking he can pull it off–and he really should know better by now. The fact he apparently doesn’t is a very bad sign. But yes, it is also possible that he is ultimately a comemierda.

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