The empty promises of liberalism

Very good essay from a blog called “The Hispanic Conservative”:

[…] The liberals will court you by feigning empathy. Their hearts will apparently bleed for you. They will tell you that the lot of Hispanics is unfair and that you and they share a common threat- conservatives.  They will say that they care so much about you, that if you give them your votes, they will selflessly work in your interest. All the while they will be selling you the philosophy of liberalism in tiny pieces.

They will promise not to judge you, no matter how high your teenage dropout rate is or how high the illegitimacy or illiteracy rates get; they will tell you it’s not your fault, it’s because of white racism.  They will not judge you because staying on your good side is in their self-interest, not because it is in your best interest.

They will say that you don’t have the right to discipline your children as you see fit, they will say that neither do the schools because your children have rights. This will result in unruly children and later unruly young adults which will result in unruly neighborhoods. People and businesses who can afford to will leave.

Like a Casanova who can never live up to his heat of the moment promises of love and fidelity, it is not in the nature of liberalism to deliver on its promises. The pillars of liberalism- collectivism, relativism, socialism, humanism, and class envy, unavoidably lead to the same end: crime, poverty, over-reaching government, weak families, substandard schools, and suppressed commerce.

If you doubt me look at the Black community. Liberals have been smooth talking us for decades, and we’ve been handing them election victories like clockwork. They promise the moon every election cycle, but look at what it’s gotten us. They have not delivered on a single promise they made to us; we’re worse off by the year.

They will do the same to Hispanics. […]

1 thought on “The empty promises of liberalism”

  1. Alas, fake empathy works much better than being straight with people, especially people who want magic solutions and do NOT want to accept any responsibility for their problems.

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