For two imprisoned rappers in Cuba, Havana is not like Atlanta

Jay-Z may think Cuba is all cool and sh*t, but for two Cuban rappers who rap about the repression and lack of liberty on the island, it is a nightmarish hell. Both of these Cuban rappers have been brutalized and jailed by the Castro dictatorship that hosted the American rapper’s vacation, and one of them is still rotting in prison.

How about writing a rap song about them, Jay-Z?

Via Capitol Hill Cubans:

Tweet of the Day: Two Rappers Imprisoned in Cuba

The two rappers referred to in this Tweet are:

1. Angel Remon Arzuaga – from the hip-hip duo “Los Hijos Que Nadie Quiso” (‘The Unwanted Children’), who has been in jail since March 21st for his lyrics. Angel is on the 16th day of a hunger strike protesting his unjust imprisonment.

2. Marcos Máiquel Lima Cruz – imprisoned on Christmas Day 2010, along with his brother Antonio Michel (released in October 2012), during a private party at their home in Cuba. Their crime? Listening to an underground hip-hop group (“Los Aldeanos”), whose lyrics criticize the government.

Here’s a picture of Marcos and Antonio:

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