CNBC’s Breathless(!!!)Michelle Caruso-Cabrera GUSHES(!!!) she was PICKED(!!!) by Castro regime to “REPORT” from Cuba!!!

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CNBC is awash with boastings about how their crackerjack investigative reporter Michelle Caruso-Cabrera somehow wrangled reportorial access to the innermost recesses of the Castro regime. It’s actually pretty simple, Ms Caruso-Cabrera: the caption to your “expose’ and “report” explains the matter brilliantly:

“American business set their sights on what could be a lucrative opportunity 90 miles offshore. CNBC takes you inside the story of a Communist country’s recent reforms, its people and untapped potential.

Fidel and Che explained it over half a century ago:

“Foreign reporters — preferably American — were much more valuable to us at that time (1957) than any military victory. Much more valuable than rural recruits for our guerrilla force, were American media recruits to export our propaganda.(Che Guevara 1958)

“We cannot for a second abandon propaganda. Propaganda is vital–propaganda is the heart of our struggle,” wrote Fidel Castro in a letter to a revolutionary colleague in 1954.

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“Got it, Chickies??!!”

2 thoughts on “CNBC’s Breathless(!!!)Michelle Caruso-Cabrera GUSHES(!!!) she was PICKED(!!!) by Castro regime to “REPORT” from Cuba!!!”

  1. Hey, look at the UPside of this ~ nobody watches the NBC cable progeny. And I fully agree, she looks & acts like a cracker, Jack.

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