Jimmy Buffet SMILES(!), bows upon meeting Fidel Castro in Havana!


“Cultural exchanges with foreign countries are our most effective propaganda,” (declassified KGB document, May, 20, 1981.)

Left: A smitten (and peace-loving?)Jimmy Buffet meeting his Cuban host–the dictator who craved to ignite a nuclear war and incinerate Mr Margaritville’s home of the time in south Alabama along with the entire nation that made Mr Margaritaville a multi-millionaire. Right: A gleeful (and peace & love advocate?) Jimmy Buffet, performing in Havana on behalf of the Stalinist regime that jailed the most political prisoners in the Western hemisphere and outlawed rock music.

“Yes, this is a political event.” (Jimmy Buffet while performing  as official  guest of Cuba’s Stalinist regime , Havana, Cuba, March 22.1999.)

“I’ve been in show business a long time, I know liars when I hear them.” (Jimmy Buffet to Anderson Cooper Juy 1, 2010.) No hint from this picture, however, that Mr Margaritaville considers Fidel Castro a liar.

“It was Dracula running the blood bank in terms of oil and leases!” (and indignant Jimmy Buffett blaming George Bush for the BP Oil Spill.) Apparently Mr Margaritaville’s private jet runs on solar power.

“Some people CLAIM I’m a Useful-Idiot–but I know…..”

“Useful Idiot?” Jimmy Buffett is no idiot. No. He’s a flat-out (multi-millionaire) commie-lover.

Everything regarding Mr. Margaritaville’s Havana trip fully-documented here


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