Cuba’s apartheid dictatorship gets seat on UN Human Rights Council after decades of torturing countless Cubans

Although Cuba’s apartheid Castro dictatorship has been torturing Cubans and violating their human rights for more than a half century, the UN (with the help of the White House) has given them a seat at their Human Rights Council. The United Nations has been a bad joke for decades, but Obama can’t stop laughing at their skits.

Marlene Azor Fernandez in Havana Times:

Cuba Violates Convention against Torture

un-human-rights-commission-geneva-298x300Today, October 28th, Cuba hopes to be chosen once again for the UN Human Rights Council. However, the Cuban government still hasn’t ratified the International Covenant on Economic, Social, Cultural, Civil and Political Rights that it signed back in 2008.

The Cuban government has ratified several related coNventions on child protection, against racial discrimination, in favor of protecting people with disabilities and on women’s rights. Within this context, it also joined and ratified the UN’s Convention against Torture in May 1995.

The UN General Assembly, who is responsible for verifying if the Convention against Torture is being met and for proposing suggestions for its application from the Convention’s articles, highlighted a series of breaches in June 2012[1]. Even today, Human Rights activists in Cuba continue to report the same abuses that were outlined in this report.

There aren’t any procedural safeguards for Cuban citizens as the habeas corpus is not respected on the island: the necessary medical exam, notifying relatives, and having the right to be accompanied by a defense attorney from the very moment they’re arrested. Those arrested are also not told what their rights are, why they were arrested in the first place and are not taken before a judge immediately afterwards. Meanwhile, detainees don’t have an effective procedure to appeal the legality of their arrest.

The report confirms overcrowding in Cuban prisons, malnutrition of detainees, a lack of hygiene and poor health as well as inadequate healthcare services. Unjustified limitations on family visits, being moved to prison facilities that are far from the prisoner’s family and social environment, being held in solitary confinement in demeaning conditions and physical as well as verbal abuse to prisoners have all been reported.

Arbitrary arrests, “express” kidnappings of artists, Human Rights activists, independent journalists and political opponents of all stripes and colors, have increased during the 2012-2016 period. In 2012, there were 6,602 arbitrary arrests; in 2016, until September alone, there have been 8,805 arrests in similar conditions of vulnerability and legal and penal powerlessness[2].

The report doesn’t include detailing the illegal and violent raids of independent lawyers, independent journalists and political activist associations. There isn’t any legal warrant to raid homes, to rob the victims of their work equipment, client records and personal belongings, without any legal channel to recover these “thefts”, carried out by the police and State security bodies.

Recent cases include the Cubalex legal assistance center, the Pinar del Rio Legal Aid Center and the confiscation of the belongings of opposition activist from the UNPACU, Carlos Amel’s at the airport, which led to Amel staging a hunger strike which lasted several weeks.

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