Some blockade! Cuba has purchased $268 million from U.S. in past 10 months

Cargo ship loaded with goodies from the U.S. enters Havana harbor

From our Bureau of Very Porous Blockades with some assistance from our Bureau of Ginormous Lies Believed By Far Too Many People

How’s this for a “blockade”! The figures speak for themselves, eloquently. And in addition to buying so much stuff from the U.S., Castro, Inc. has also received $30 million in humanitarian donations from the U.S. in the past ten months.

These figures are from the most recent report of the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council

Abridged and loosely translated from Diario de Cuba

Between January and October 2023, the US has exported $268,733,465 in products to the island, more than in the same period in 2022 ($256,057,483). Since December 2001, total exports have amounted to 7,172,459,831 dollars.

In addition to the above figures, in October donations of the order of 2,745,566 dollars arrived in Cuba (which rounds out to 30 million in ten months of 2023, above the sum of the whole of 2022),

Although the Government and the official press keep quiet about it, the United States is today the sixth country in the world with the highest volume of exports to the Island, as revealed by the Cuban Statistical Yearbook for 2022, with figures made public by the state National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI).

With such numbers, the US was placed alongside countries in the Latin American region with greater political ties to Havana, such as Brazil (377,815,000 dollars of exports in 2022), Argentina (347,514,000 dollars) and Mexico (347,801,000). .

All exports are authorized, despite the embargo, under the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act (TSREEA) of 2000.

However, both the ruling leadership and its media continue to blame Washington’s embargo against Havana for the deprivations suffered by Cubans.

Whole article HERE in Spanish

1 thought on “Some blockade! Cuba has purchased $268 million from U.S. in past 10 months”

  1. No matter how porous the “blockade,” it will continue to be sold and used as it has long been codified in the leftist playbook, same as the “free” health care canard. It doesn’t matter how tattered and flimsy the argument, as long as it remains useful. Same goes for the whole “revolution” scam, or the Che myth, or the malicious distortion and falsification of Cuban history. The truth was always beside the point and irrelevant.

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