Cuba obtains 99 medical transport vehicles, including 2 ambulances donated by Dutch capitalists

Yipee! Let’s see how quickly Castro, Inc. can wreck these gifts.

From our Bureau of Parasitic Latrine American Totalitarian Hellholes with some assistance from our Bureau of Communist Nations That Always Manage to Destroy Equipment Given to Them for Free by Capitalists

This is what passes for Cuba news online: two new ambulances arrive in Cuba, given as gifts by a Dutch shipping company. Absolutely pathetic. Embedded in this story is a significant fact. Castro, Inc. seems to have purchased — or received as donations — a total of 99 medical vehicles. Whaddaya know . . . .

But will there be any gasoline for these vehicles? Will they be properly maintained? Or will they end up wrecked or useless like the 100 garbage trucks donated by Japan five years ago? Castro, Inc. is a lot like a children who quickly destroy all the toys given to them.

From World Nation News

Shipping company Nirint Shipping BV donated two ambulances which was unloaded at the port of Moa, province of Holguín, and that will be delivered to the public health authorities of the country.

“The ambulances donated by the Nirint company and its partners are now at the Port of Moa. It will be delivered to the health sector next week for their gradual operation,” the digital creator showed on social networks. Alexei Martinez.

The province of Holguín benefited from the entry of about nine ambulances, started batch of 99 medical transport vehicles acquired by the Cuban regime at the end of December.

According to the government website of that province, two of the five ambulances from the Chinese manufacturer Foton are destined for the towns of Sagua de Tánamo and Antilla. The remaining three will be destined to the towns of Mayarí, Cacocum and Urbano Noris.

The rest – four vehicles of the Mercedes Benz brand – will go to the regional bases of Banes, Moa and Holguín, which will receive two, one of which will replace the one that is currently in the neonatal service in the major city.

Thanks to a donation from a Dutch shipping company, Holguín increased its fleet of ambulances, one of which was affected by the disinvestment of a government that allocated its foreign currency to buy cars and buses for tourismas well as motorcycle and police patrolabandoned ambulances, garbage trucks and public transportation, whose cars usually arrive on the Island because of donations.

Despite the general crisis facing the country, The Cuban regime invests four times more in hotels and restaurants than in Public Health and Social Assistance in the first half of 2023, according to a report from the National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI).