Cuban State Security Colonel reveals where Castro clan stashes its stolen loot, plus details on its drug trafficking

From our Bureau of Latrine American Communist Hoarders with some assistance from our Bureau of Communist Ali Baba Impersonators

Open Sesame! Or as Popeye preferred to say, open sez me! A high ranking State Security official has divulged information about some of the dirty secrets he has carefully guarded for the Castro clan, such as the existence of a gold-filled vault in the Isle of Pines.

Watch video HERE in Spanish. Read translated article from Periodico Cubano below.

A Cuban Colonel from the State Security, still active, decided to break the silence and reveal the darkest secrets of the Castro regime, including the story of where Raúl Castro keeps all the money they have stolen from the Cuban people.

In the interview, exclusively granted to influencer Darwin Santana, the identity of the military officer remains anonymous, as he is currently in active service within Cuba, and revealing his identity could cost him his life.

For example, the military officer claims to know about the existence of a vault on the Isle of Youth, owned by Raúl Castro, filled with a large reserve of gold that the family has stolen from the Cuban people during their more than 65 years in power.

It is also revealed that the Army General and his family hold funds in accounts abroad, especially in France and Spain, where they could obtain false passports to live comfortably in the event of a regime collapse.

Another element he reveals is that Fidel Castro lied about the repression during the Maleconazo, demonstrating the permeability of corruption in the government structure.

The peace treaty between the Colombian government and the FARC guerrillas, which is being negotiated in Havana, is being manipulated to favor the interests of the Cuban regime in the drug trade. In this regard, he explains that drugs serve as a source of financing for the regime, with established links to drug trafficking groups.

You can watch the first part of these exclusive declarations in the following video, for more information, follow influencer Darwin Santana’s social media channels.

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