Cuba has imported $20 million worth of vehicles from U.S. in the past 15 months

From our Bureau of Mythical Blockades with some assistance from our Bureau of Mythical Self-Employed Entrepreneurs

Some blockade! Cars, trucks, vans, tractors . . . you name it . . . parts, too, are flowing into Castrogonia despite the so-called trade embargo. All of this merchandise is ostensibly sold to “private” enterprises only, but since all “private” business are ultimately controlled by the government, all of this merchandise is being sold to Castro, Inc. And to sweeten the deal, Castro, Inc. is taking a 30% cut on the car invoice value. Ka-ching! Do the math: 30% of $20M is $6M. And…. oh, . . . let’s not forget that many of those involved in selling those vehicles to Castro, Inc. are “diaspora” Cubans

Abridged and loosely translated from CiberCuba

Cuban entrepreneurs have imported vehicles from the United States worth over 20 million dollars since the Biden administration authorized these transactions for “new economic actors” approved by the Cuban regime.

A report from the U.S.-Cuba Economic and Commercial Council (USCTEC) revealed that Cuban imports of new and used vehicles (including motorcycles and spare parts) exceeded 20 million dollars in the last 15 months.

Just in purchases of used cars (from 1,500 to 3,000 cubic centimeters of displacement), owners of small, micro, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) spent over 13.5 million dollars ($13,575,731) in the first quarter of this year. In 2023, second-hand cars accounted for an expenditure of 4,385,612 dollars.

Data from the first quarter of 2024 indicates that in vehicles mainly designed for passenger transport, including vans, Cuban entrepreneurs’ imports amounted to 295,218 dollars.

Special-purpose vehicles ($184,927), 20-ton trucks with diesel and electric engines ($123,300), and passenger vehicles with ignition motors of more than 6 cylinders and more than 3,000 cc ($109,500) ranked next on the list.

In electric scooters, imports from the United States amounted to 55,400 dollars. Other trucks for freight transport with different features and mechanical characteristics totaled 298,059 dollars.

Regarding spare parts, the largest portion corresponded to road wheels and vehicle parts ($30,760), followed by motorcycle parts ($25,811), trailers and semi-trailers ($10,000), brake and servo brakes parts ($3,066), body and bumper parts ($2,881), and tractor parts ($2,620).

According to one entrepreneur, “Cuban Customs actually charges very little, the importer charges, taking a 30% cut on the car invoice value.” In this regard, he estimated that for a $20,000 car in the United States, the interested party would have to pay $6,000 in taxes and about $10,000 for logistics and documentation, totaling approximately $36,000.

With the increasing number of U.S.-made vehicles on the island, many Cubans wonder what “blockade” the regime is talking about.

The same question arises for those who have seen an increase in imports of food and agricultural products from the United States to Cuba. In March alone, they reached $40,624,058, a significant increase compared to the $20,475,934 imported in March 2023 and the $25,929,536 imported in March 2022.

Whole story HERE in Spanish

1 thought on “Cuba has imported $20 million worth of vehicles from U.S. in the past 15 months”

  1. So not only is there no U.S. embargo, there is huge profit being made among many Americans from these sales of electric cars. And how are these cars to run in a country where there are blackouts all the time? Does Biden hope to make it possible for Cuba to get more electricity while he cares not a whit for how Americans get electricity once he forces us into all of our own electric vehicles?
    As with everything else, enemies of America under Biden have it better these days than Americans; this is true for our military and our allies as well. Even illegals are usurping our hotels and medical care and schools and are gaining more spending on them than on Americans courtesy of the O’Biden administration.
    Try to tell any of this to lefties, to any of those morons supporting Hamas, to anyone still loyal to Biden, to those with TDS.
    You are an ally of America? You are an American in Afghanistan or those who helped Americans during the war in Afghanistan and you were promised not to be left behind? Forget that. Biden is full of empty promises. You are our best ally, the only freely elected Democracy in the Middle East? Forget all promises of loyalty to you. When you need the U.S. most and are on the verge of destroying your enemy after an historic series of spectacular horrors you must never allow to happen again, just when you need your ally, the U.S., the most, Biden leaves you in the lurch. Try to tell any of this to that 38 percent who still like Biden.
    As for the rest of us Americans who do know the score, vote in November for Trump. No excuses, Get there and vote for Trump. At least he never went to Cuba or did the wave in a Cuban ballpark with Castro.
    He has got to be better than Biden.
    Trump 2024.

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