“Get up, stand up: dont give up the fight!”

Reggae king Bob Marley, deep in thought
Reggae king Bob Marley, deep in thought

I apologize for quoting Bob Marley a (as so often happens, great musician but hopeless political imbecile) but his lyrics apply to the work done by bloggers and Tea-Partiers lately.

WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate voted Monday to block the Housing and Urban Development Department from giving grants to ACORN, a community organization under fire in several voter-registration fraud cases.
The action came as the group is suffering from bad publicity

whole story here

Yes!! But just where did thist “bad publicity” issue from, dear MSM?? HUMMMMM???

Was it from those “Gallant Crusaders for the Truth!” as Columbia Journalism School hails it’s students?

Was it from the folks who claim to publish: “All the News that ‘s Fit to Print!”

Was it from the network that boasted after it’s newscasts: “And that’s the way it is.”?

Obviously, I lob it over home plate, amigos..!

3 thoughts on ““Get up, stand up: dont give up the fight!””

  1. Even your selective quoting does not manage to eliminate the first sentence of the story, which clearly says “under fire in several voter-registration cases.” The sentence that you cut off in the middle of goes on to explain the whole prostitution advice situation and the people who brought it to light. Please try harder next time or restrain your urge to post until you have a more solid thesis…

  2. That’s some photo. Very true to life, no doubt. Oh, yeah, I want to get my politics and ideology from this guy, or others like him. Sure thing. Makes all the sense in the world.

    There ought to be a law forbidding any and all entertainers from speaking publicly about anything outside their area of competence (real or imagined). Sheesh.

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