Yet more blatant plagiarism of Exposing the Real Che Guevara by another “libertarian”.


We encountered this issue a few months ago, amigos.

The plagiarism this time involves a long video and podcast. And again this shameless plagiarist bills himself–SURPRISE!–as a “libertarian.” This means ( again like Communists) that they reject (other people’s) “intellectual property rights.” This also means they can scam their brain-dead cult followers into marveling at what a –oooooh!_aaah!– “brilliant!” and “original! thinker this latest “libertarian cult leader” (but I repeat myself) is–after he stole others ideas’ and insights and claimed them as his own.

This libertarian scam artist’s (but I repeat myself) name is Stefan Molyneaux and he hosts a popular, among dupes and credulous libertarians (but I repeat myself,) podcast called Freedom Domain Radio. Fully half of his video (starting where Che meets up with Raul and Fidel in Mexico) is lifted LITERALLY word for word from my book. But no one would have a clue, except those who’ve read my book. And it so happens that some have pointed this out in the comments.


As mentioned, I run across a fair amount of this stuff, but I’ve never run across anything this blatant and shameless.

Just putting this out there so that everyone knows…. turns out others have detected other forms of malfeasance on the part of this Freedom Domain Radio.

I wish I could afford a good lawyer.



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