The Castros are SH*TTING Bricks! (Estan Cag*dos!) Because Both Cruz and Rubio have pledged to cut-off their Obama-Facilitated Life-Support


Both these Republican Presidential candidates have pledged to walk-back Obama’s gutting of the Sanctions-Against-the-Castro-Family-Crime-and Terror-Sponsoring-Syndicate (euphemized by the media as “Cuba Embargo.”)


In light of the info above both of these Stalinists are currently sh*tting bricks (estan cag*dos!)

For the benefit of our many and valued amigos who lead perfectly normal, happy and fulfilled lives outside the tiny Cuban-American informational ghetto:

You see, amigos: Since taking office in 2009 Obama’s executive orders have opened up what amounts to the Castro-Family-Crime-Syndicate’s (euphemized as “Cuba” by the media) economic lifeline.


“Thanks, AMIGO!–WHEEEW! That was close!”

In fact, amigos: the annual cash flow from the U.S. to Cuba over the past 7 years exceed what the Soviets used to send annually to the Castro-Family-Crime Syndicate at the height of their sponsorship in the 1970’s and 80’s. This is no chump change–and much of it is at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer.

In fact, amigos:  some estimates put this Obama-facilitated $dollar lifeline (much of it at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer) as more vital to the Castro-Family-Crime-Syndicate than the cash-flow from their Venezuelan colony, which will probably be drying up–or shrinking–very shortly.


Remesas Totales refers to cash remittances to Cuba from Cubans living outside the captive island. The overwhelming majority of these remittances issue from the U.S. Obama’s executive orders made this lifeline possible (did I mention that much of it at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer?)  

Ventas de Turismo refers to tourism, a tidal wave of it from the U.S. over the past few years though it’s not technically called tourism. Pursuant to Obama’s executive orders it’s called “people-to people” travel. But it amounts to the identical thing Canadians and Brits do in Cuba–speaking of which: here’s Margaret Thatcher’s daughter Carol  in Havana, posing in front of “Revolutionary Hero!” (her words) Che Guevara.


As mentioned both Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are pledged cut off this Obama-faciliated dollar lifeline to the Castros–and as you probably know one of them will probably be the Republican presidential candidate.  And as you probably know, Hillary Clinton is in  deep legal trouble….hence this post’s title.





2 thoughts on “The Castros are SH*TTING Bricks! <em>(Estan Cag*dos!)</em> Because Both Cruz and Rubio have pledged to cut-off their Obama-Facilitated Life-Support”

  1. That’s why Obama is giving raul castro every concession under the sun before his term is up, because he wants to leave raul in the best condition possible in the event that either Cruz or Rubio wins the White House. He, also, wants to make it as difficult as possible for either of them to undo his crap.

    Speaking of Cruz and Rubio, isn’t it interesting how the media is basically ignoring the fact that there are two “Latino” candidates running for the White House? Two “Latino” candidates with a real chance of winning! Can you imagine if instead of Cruz and Rubio, two non-Cuban “Latinos” were up there? Just look at how they wet their panties over Julian and Joaquin Castro’s infintissimally lesser [media created] accomplishments!

    Chris Matthews “tingle up his leg” would be nothing compared to the collective orgasms of everyone from the NYT’s editorial board to the entire staff at MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and Univision!

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