To every Jew who has ever supported fidel

To the liberal/progressive Jews who support fidel and co., how does this feel?.

“The hatred of the State of Israel against the Palestinians is such that they wouldn’t hesitate sending a million-and-a-half men, women and children from that country to the crematoriums in which the Nazis exterminated millions of Jews of all ages. The Führer’s swastika seems to be today’s new Israeli flag.”

And this:

“The State of Israel’s hatred towards the Palestinians is such that it would not hesitate to send 1.5 million men, women and children to the crematoriums in which millions of Jews of all ages were killed.”

When we warn you about this (and other) monster, and you laugh it off as the ravings of hardliners and fanatics, you do nothing but further and hasten the destruction of Israel and the West.


(H/T Capitol Hill Cubans)

5 thoughts on “To every Jew who has ever supported fidel”

  1. Israel could have incinerated and buried the “Palestinians” 100-fold by now. Instead they have continually turned the other cheek to merciless attacks, only to have it slugged by the leftist Western world when they have felt the need to finally defend themselves.

    I have NEVER heard Israel say they plan to wipe “Palestine” off the face of the earth, or to drive them to their deaths into the sea. Israel has nukes. They’ve yet to use them against anyone, especially the threatening Muslim nations slobbering like rabid dogs at their destruction.

    The fact is, those Muslim nations planning to attack and obliterate Israel in some warped defense of the “Palestinians” have completely played those people for the fools they are. Just one nuke would kill them along with the hated “Jooos”.

    Don’t believe for a second the rest of the Muslim/Arab world gives two flying fucks at the full moon about the ‘victimized’ “Palestinians”. If say Iran did lob a nuke at Israel and wipe out the Palestinians the leftist Western world would blame Israel … well, the charred pit that would be Israel.

    But the left in this world can just keep spreading this lie to the lame-assed people of the world.

  2. Somebody alert Mr. Spielberg, assuming he’s not still in deep ecstasy over his 8 hours with Fidel.

  3. Conservative Jews and Cubans should unite. Start a whisper campaign amongst the punk jihad that the image of Che on shirts worn by idiot leftists is really Mohammed.
    It will sure make the next anti-war demo interesting.
    As they used to say on Candid Camera when I was a kid,
    “Watch the fun and the frolic”.

  4. Rob

    I am a classic liberal Jew in the tradition of Scoop Jackson. The problem is not liberalism as real liberals are anti Communist. The problem is the consistent refusal
    of many in our community to deal with Communists who claim to speak for us such as Rabbi Michael Lerner, Noam Chomsky, Norman Finklestein, Joel Kovel .

    I have been a classic Cold Warrior since the days of Reagan. The younger generation is far more conservative and in your face than my generation.

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