They write letters…

It is obvious that the ignorance on the left knows no bounds. Nevertheless, it is fun to watch them expose themselves for the imbecilic dolts that they are.

Below is a letter written to the East Bay Express by a reader that took offense of a food critic’s description of Che Guevara as a Marxist murderer.

Know Your History

Anneli Rufus displays complete ignorance when it comes to world history and politics,and unfortunately injects it into her write-up.

Maybe she should apply as food critic in Wasilla, Alaska.

She is a product of America’s political brain-washing of its citizens for the last sixty years.The specific lines, other than her general incompetence as a food critic, I’m responding to, are:

“That America-hating, execution facilitating Marxist guerrilla Che reigns here,””it was double comfort food partaken in discomfort, between the din and Che’shomicidal grin.”

What unfortunately shows here is the absolute ignorance of many American writers and the media in general, and the sensationalism that has replaced informed journalism.If this cafe would have embraced Fidel Castro, I would not have blinked, but any educated and worldly person would hopefully know that Cuba was terrorized for almost two decades by a vicious dictatorship headed by Batista, backed by the CIA, that Che Guevara split with Fidel Castro a few years later, after being disillusioned with Castro embracing the Soviet Union and that a short time later he was killed in Bolivia, with help of the CIA.A dear friend of mine, now almost eighty, worked for the Spanish government in Cuba after the revolution. She met and worked with many there, among them Castro and Guevara, who she still remembers as a very complex person, but with a big heart …(I’m not excusing any unjust political action taken by the Cuban government in the years since then.)

Some historical trivia for Mrs. Rufus:Cuba wanted nothing more than to have relations with the States, but when the Castro decided to raise the price of sugar cane, so that Cuba actually would finally get revenue from their exports, American companies (Coca Cola at the helm) went to war.Las Vegas only became what it is today, with all its corruption and money, after the casinos and the mafia were kicked out of Cuba after the revolution.

Tell Anneli Rufus to stick strictly to being a food critic, and not ruin it with uninformed political dressing.

Wolfgang Troullier, Oakland

Imagine that, a “history lesson” from a misinformed moron.