Quote of the day

Today’s Quote of the Day comes from frequent Babalú commenter Asombra, who in only a few sentences succinctly articulated the media’s indifference to the suffering of the Cuban people:

“This degree of objectification, of reducing a whole society of oppressed, enslaved, and victimized human beings to a kind of theme park for entertainment or pleasure is beyond shallow, callous and morally abhorrent. It is, in fact, obscene in the worst possible way, but it’s also par for the course. Welcome to the solidarity of the free world.”

2 thoughts on “Quote of the day”

  1. Alberto, it might help to link to the breathless, practically panting article that prompted my comment, or maybe link to that earlier post. Said article is a good example of wanting a particular “experience” and not caring what it entails or what’s behind it, or what it costs and means for the people “providing” it. In other words, it’s the turn-on and pleasure of the (foreign) customer that counts; the job of the “natives” is just that, to provide. Nobody really cares about boring issues like their freedom or human rights; just party on and paint the town red. Oh, and be sure to tell everyone back home about it.

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