Back to the Future in Castroland!

“Don’t worry, Chico! Our Cuba Experts will cover for us! You know THAT!”

Has any Cuba “Expert” (or their media cronies) mentioned that if every single “reform” now announced by the Cuban dictator comes to fruition Castroland will simply revert to its 1967 mode–with thousands of small farming plots and retail outlets tolerated? Was Cuba not communist in 1967?

Has any Cuba “Expert” (or their media cronies) mentioned that if every single “reform” now announced by the Cuban dictator comes to fruition Castroland will come to resemble 1970’s-era East Germany and Hungary? Were these Soviet satrapies not Communist?

Has any Cuba “Expert” (or their media cronies) mentioned that if every single “reform” now announced by the Cuban dictator comes to fruition Castroland will still be twenty times as repressive as Botha’s South Africa and Pinochet’s Chile? Did academics (and their media cronies) hail Botha and Pinochet as “reformers” and “pragmatists?”–And denounce their critics as “CRACKPOTS!” and “HARD-LINERS!”?


1 thought on “Back to the Future in Castroland!”

  1. This is a priceless post. Thank you Humberto.

    It is one of my passions to bring out things like this.
    I placed a review of In the Garden of Beasts similar to this idea. The book wants us to be shocked at the world’s indifference to Hitler in the beginning of his rise. I tried to compare events in the book to the world’s indifference to a few other things to show why there was nothing for any aware person to be shocked about.
    This succinct expression from you is one of the best items ever on babalu.

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