‘To visit the house of the oppressor is to condone oppression’

Juan Abreu’s Emanaciones #1147 (translated by Asombra):


Here’s something for the pacifists, the “we’re all one people,” the “I’m not political” and other tripe:

“To visit the house of the oppressor is to condone oppression. Any show of cordiality by the people of an oppressed country with the members or entities of the oppressing government, whether official or covert, is one more argument for oppression, which alleges that the oppressed people are happy and cordial of their own accord, and it is one less argument for those who say that the oppressed, humiliated and poisoned people want to shake off oppression….As long as a nation has not won its rights, any of its children who feasts in the house of those who deny those rights is an enemy of the people.”

José Martí

Translator’s Note: This is clearly a rebuke and a condemnation of the position of a certain travel agent named Wenski, who, if Martí were alive and in exile now, would probably dismiss the Apostle for not being “on the ground.”