Good News? There’s good news?

I don;t see any silver linings, but whatever.

[…] The Republican Party chose a liberal candidate and tried to pass him off as a Ronald Reagan to conservatives and a Bill Clinton to Liberals. But the fact is, a rhino cannot be passed off as an elephant, and neither can it be passed off as a donkey, no matter how hard one tries. As a result, not enough conservatives bought into the sham of Romney being a true conservative, while not enough liberals saw him to be liberal enough. […]

1 thought on “Good News? There’s good news?”

  1. That is an absolute load of crap.

    These so-called Conservatives continuously fail to field a candidate capable of winning the GOP candidacy, then turn around and complain that the GOP failed to field a sufficiently conservative candidate who can win the general election.

    If there is a candidate who can meet the “conservative enough” litmus test to satisfy the unappeasable, true conservative® wing of the GOP, and win the GOP primaries, then conservatives need to field him, and that candidate needs to win the nomination.

    That’s the way this Party works.

    Conservatism rejects entitlements, yet these Conservatives believe themselves entitled to be “gifted” a satisfactory candidate.

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