Tim Kaine “Opposes Death Penalty”–but “greatly influenced” by “Liberation Theology,”–which was hatched by the KGB with Fidel Castro and Che Guevara as its idols!


Depiction of Jesus Christ by some of the cheekier disciples of Liberation Theology–which (fervent death-penalty opponent) Tim Kaine considers “a great influence in his life,” as he boasted during last nights debate.)


“Certainly we execute!” boasted Che Guevara to the UN General Assembly Dec. 1964.  “And we will continue executing as long as it is necessary!” Those executions (murders, actually; execution implies a judicial process) had reached about 16,000 by the time of Che Guevara’s boast, the equivalent, given the relative populations, of almost a million executions in the U.S. (This figure comes from The Black Book of Communism, by the way, written by French scholars and published in English by Harvard University Press, neither outfit exactly a bastion of “Crazy! Embittered! Loud-Mouthed! Batistiano! Right-Wing! Cuban Exiles! With-An-Ax-To-Grind!”)


“The Catholic Church is against the death penalty and so am I.” (Tim Kaine Oct. 4th, VP debates.)

“In its far-flung pueblos…Mr. Kaine embraced an interpretation of the gospel, known as liberation theology…this was “the turning point in my life…I worked with Jesuit missionaries in Honduras now nearly 35 years ago –and  they were the heroes of my life,” according to Tim Kaine.


As revealed by KGB defector Ion Pacepa,  Liberation Theology (that “turned around (fervent death-penalty opponent) Tim Kaine’s life” was hatched by the KGB (the most murderous organization in the modern history of the human race,) and used mass-murderers Fidel Castro and Che Guevara as its idols!”








“I read Fontova’s book in two sittings…couldn’t put it down!” (Mark “The Great One!” Levin on Exposing the Real Che Guevara.)


A great service for human freedom. Every American should read Humberto Fontova’s book.” David Horowitz on (Fidel; Hollywood’s Favorite Tyrant.)
