Cuba’s Castro dictatorship looks to fix the massive economic failures of socialism with more socialism

After sixty years of endless failures in the socialist economy of Cuba, the Castro dictatorship thinks it has found the cure: More socialism.

John Hinderaker in Powerline:

The Cure for Socialism: Better Bureaucrats!

Reuters headlines: “‘Reality’ bites: Cuba plans more austerity as finances worsen.”

Cash-strapped Cuba plans fresh austerity measures and will pressure the sluggish bureaucracy to tighten its belt and cut red tape to address weak growth, falling export earnings and rising debt.

So “Cuba” is going to “pressure the sluggish bureaucracy” to deliver better results? Who is “Cuba,” other than the Communist apparatchiks–bureaucrats–who supposedly will be pressured?

The economy has averaged 1 percent annual growth over the last three years…

That is only slightly worse than the rate of growth the U.S. achieved during the Obama administration.

…compared with a 5 percent to 7 percent rate economists say is needed to recover fully from a 1990s depression caused by the fall of its former benefactor, the Soviet Union.

The communist-run country has more recently been hit by the economic collapse of its new sponsor and strategic ally, Venezuela, which began to send fuel and cash its way in exchange for doctors and medicine 18 years ago.

Cuba’s Communist economy has always been a disaster. It was kept afloat for decades by the Soviet Union, until the Soviets’ economy collapsed. Later, socialist Venezuela propped up Cuba, until Venezuela’s socialist economy collapsed. Does Reuters see a pattern here?

“The 2019 plan is one of adjustment to current realities. We cannot spend more than we earn,” Economy Minister Alejandro Gil Fernandez said at a session of the National Assembly last week.

To be fair, that recognition of reality is one that America’s liberals have not yet achieved.

Continue reading HERE.

2 thoughts on “Cuba’s Castro dictatorship looks to fix the massive economic failures of socialism with more socialism”

  1. Castro, Inc. is meant to be a parasite. It’s not meant to produce or function on its own. If it can’t find a new suitable sugar daddy, or daddies, the “diaspora” will just have to compensate, as it probably will.

  2. People should stop calling a lie a “failure”, for the intent of such shameless and monopolistic farce, which depends on imposing misery for the sake of control, was never to see a prosperous Cuba or represent the interests of the Cuban population.

    For an egotistical and vile fraud like Fidel Castro, who died a billionaire and comfortably in power, socialism was a tremendous success – at the expense of a nation he never gave a care about.

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