Nearly 250 acts of repression in Cuba in the month of February

Despite being the shortest month of the year, State Security thugs in communist Cuba were busy this February, carrying out 247 documented acts of repression, 84 more than in the previous month. While the island’s dictatorship is unable to provide food, medicine, or even basic needs to the Cuban people due to the lack of resources, it apparently has more than sufficient means to brutally oppress them.

Via ADN Cuba (my translation):

Insecurity in Cuba: Report reveals nearly 250 acts of repression in one month

During this last month of February, there was “an increase in repression” by Cuban authorities, said the legal assistance organization Cubalex in its monthly report on the human rights situation released this week.

The team of monitors at Cubalex documented 247 acts of repression this past month (84 more than in January) among 34 categories of incidents of oppression. More than 85% of the incidents were carried out by State Security against members of independent civil society, according to the report.

The organization also explained that the most common type of incident documented in February were arbitrary detentions, with 75 taking place involving 58 individuals (38 women and 24 men).

Among the opposition groups most persecuted were the Ladies in White, a human rights group made up of wives and other family members of Cuban political prisoners. Cubalex also reported on government persecution against the Opposition Movement for a New Republic and the recently created Cuba in Mourning civic movement, made up of mothers and family members of prisoners of conscience, specifically those arrested during the July 11, 2021 anti-government protests on the island.

Of the 247 acts of repression documented during the month, 87 were against members of these organizations, which represents a third of the total.

According to the Cubalex report, State Security focused its efforts on impeding the growth of Cuba in Mourning, threatening reprisals against those imprisoned and prohibiting family members and supporters from dressing in black, their way of expressing they are in mourning.

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