Smithsonian’s Latino Museum was designed to push a Marxist take on Latin America

All the skepticism expressed when we heard the Smithsonian would open a Latino Museum has proven to be correct. We are now learning about planned exhibits criticizing capitalism and glorifying Marxism. Unfortunately, this is no surprise and U.S. taxpayers should not be financing leftist propaganda.

Mike Fernandez explains in an Op-Ed in Fox News:

Smithsonian’s planned Latino museum is woke move designed to radicalize US Hispanics

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Latino is determined to focus on a leftist narrative of victimhood not triumph and success

The growing controversy over the Smithsonian Institution’s planned Latino Museum is making one thing perfectly clear: the once august organization cannot now be trusted to refrain from “decolonizing” history.

The recent revelation that it hired two radical professors to create a second forerunner to the museum, an exhibit aimed at making Hispanics question capitalism, makes its proclivities clear. The Smithsonian only got cold feet and suspended the second exhibit to the Museum late last year after critics complained that the first precursor exhibit was absurdly Marxist.

But we also take no pleasure in being proven right, again, that the coming National Museum of the American Latino has been set up to promote a leftist take on the experience of Hispanics in the United States, and Congress must scrap the project altogether.

One need only consider that the museum’s 18-member Scholarly Advisory Committee, which is responsible for reviewing all exhibits, is dominated almost completely by woke professors, researchers, and activists whose work focus on advancing culturally Marxist concepts like critical race theory and gender and queer theory. Many teach the academically questionable subject of “Latinx” studies.

What can one expect from this museum?

The first exhibit, “Presente! A Latino History of the United States,” made clear to us after it opened its doors in June 2022 at the National History Museum, that the upcoming Museum—created by Congress in the giant omnibus COVID bill in the waning days of 2020, and yet to be built—will be used to curate neither art nor history, but grievances and resentments against the United States.

Continue reading HERE.

1 thought on “Smithsonian’s Latino Museum was designed to push a Marxist take on Latin America”

  1. This shouldn’t be our issue because Cubans should reject being “Latin.” We shouldn’t figure in this business.

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