Cuban dictator Raul Castro appears at march with three fellow nonagenarian despots

Cuban dictator Raul Castro made a rare appearance on Saturday at a march for the 171st birthday of Jose Martí. The 91-year-old murderous tyrant was joined by three fellow nonagenarian “heroes” of Cuba’s communist revolution, who have presided over the bloodiest and most oppressive dictatorship in the Western Hemisphere.

These despots have ruled Cuba with an iron fist for 65 years, and their advancing age is impossible to ignore. One of them in particular, Guillermo Garcia Frias, looked lost and disoriented.

Via CubaNet (my translation):

The four ‘historical ones’ on the march, with Garcia Frias disoriented

The Cuban regime, in its latest iteration of the Torch March on the occasion of the 171st anniversary of the birth of José Martí, showcased its four figures of the “historical generation” of the revolution. One of them, Commander Guillermo García Frías, appeared completely disoriented.

On Saturday night, amid the extreme politicization surrounding the figure of José Martí, the power elite did not fail to acknowledge the elderly, the few who are still alive.

Ramiro Valdés Menéndez, 91, Raúl Castro Ruz, 92, José Ramón Machado Ventura, 93, and Guillermo García Frías, 95, received an ovation from the faithful followers of Castroism who still support a declining system.

“The decline of the Cuban regime in just one video… They brought the dinosaurs out of their caves, and Guillermo García Frías doesn’t even know where they have taken him,” wrote activist Magdiel Castro on social media.

The nonagenarians led the opening act of the march, during which Guillermo García Frías was briefly on stage. Judging by his gestures, he seemed unaware of his surroundings.

He only appears for a short period when they extend a recognition to him, which a young person must place in his hands, without the elderly commander realizing what is happening.

García Frías, the nonagenarian who leads Alcona and Supermarket23

Guillermo García Frías, one of the last commanders of the Cuban Revolution, was born on February 10, 1928, in Pilón, the current province of Granma. For his role during the armed struggle led by Fidel Castro in the Sierra Maestra, where he became the second in command of the Third Eastern Front, he attained the rank of commander. After January 1959, he was declared a “Hero of the Republic of Cuba.”

After the triumph of the Revolution, García Frías served as the head of the Western Army, vice president of the Council of State and the Council of Ministers, minister of transportation, and creator of the National Company for the Protection of Flora and Fauna, whose leadership he currently holds.

However, the functions of the nonagenarian are not limited to the direction of this institution. Guillermo García Frías is one of the promoters of the Supermarket23 sales agency, an initiative promoted by the Cuban state-owned company Alcona, which belongs to the state enterprise group Flora and Fauna.

The company led by Commander García Frías has become one of the most profitable businesses that have emerged in Cuba amid the economic crisis the country is experiencing.

Alcona also extensively promotes the export of charcoal—produced from clearing the invasive marabou species—as well as ornamental fish, purebred horses, and fighting cocks. In fact, Flora and Fauna is the only authorized entity in the country to export live animals.

2 thoughts on “Cuban dictator Raul Castro appears at march with three fellow nonagenarian despots”

  1. Do note the “president” is wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh round his neck–at an act “honoring” José Martí.

    Talk about grotesque impropriety. Lord have mercy.

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