And the Simon Legree Prize in Condescendingly Bigoted Neocolonialist Journalism goes to… The Huffington Post

Laura Goldman, who occasionally writes for ABC and the Daily Mail, loves what she saw in Castrogonia.

In fact, she loved everything so much –especially the noble savages who are all very happy– that she is encouraging everyone to visit the place.

She also learned a lot about Cuban history from her people-to-people tour guides.

If anyone needs any proof that “people to people” tours are very effective pro-Castro propaganda seminars and that some Americans are dumb enough and racist enough to believe that Cubans are some sort of humanoid subspecies and that they love to live under englightened despots, here is conving proof.

This young woman is well educated, yet her effusive praise for the Castro Kingdom and her disdain for Cuban exiles proves that even a college education cannot cure invincible ignorance and ill will.

Honestly, this young woman would have been a brilliant spokesperson for 19th century colonialism, perhaps even for the slave trade.

Yep, massah, you sure do treat us slaves mighty nice.  You a good man, massah.  I just don’t know what I’d do without your care and guidance….  We darkies need strong rulers, yep massah, we sure do…and we are so happy to be owned by you and to work for you, yes massah…..we noble savages sure do appreciate your firm hand….and the scraps you feed us….

Her blatant bigotry is only matched by her ignorance   Ms. Goldman is so gullible that she actually believes that Fidel Castro built the Malecon.

She also thinks that Cubans earn “several hundred dollars” a month (the correct figure is more like $25 per month, yet she thinks that her incorrect figure of “several hundred”is “ridiculously low”) …..

Oh, well…as Frank Zappa once said, there is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.

It’s a long article.   Here are a few choice quotes…

From The Huffington Post:

You Really Need To Get To Cuba, And Here’s How To Do It

Americans have long been fed the propaganda that life under Castro was extremely hard so the infectious happiness of the Cubans that we met was unexpected…

While almost everyone toils for the government at a ridiculously low wages of several hundred dollars a month, they don’t seem to resent it as much as one would expect. The tremendous benefits the Castro government provides its citizens helps make it possible to subsist on the low salaries….

Every Cuban we met boasted about the free healthcare and education that the government provides….

Castro’s strident insistence on income equality may be the reason that Cubans appear satisfied with their life despite the harsh conditions. Our tour guides frequently pointed out institutions once reserved for the elite that Castro had opened up to the hoi polloi….

Life for ordinary Cubans greatly improved when Raul Castro, Fidel’s brother, took over. He opened up the internet. Cubans say they can even criticize the government in their blogs…

Castro has also allowed more private enterprise, probably to meet the demands of the tourist influx….

One of the great treats of my visit to Cuba was the high quality of its musicians. The best and brightest of Cuba go into the arts…The Tropicana Night Club in Havana with its talented singers, complicated dance routines, and elaborate costumes is probably the best showcase of Cuban talent…. The open air club so invokes 1950’s glamour, with its décor and glamorous cigarette girls, that I half expected Frank Sinatra to tap me on the shoulder and ask if he could buy me a drink….

Thanks to my daily dance lessons on the ship with teachers Douglas and Debbie, I was able to cha cha and mamba to their music…

A visit to Cuba forces any person with half a brain to confront the stupidity of US foreign policy being dominated by special interests. For years, the antipathy of Cuban Americans towards Castro prevented any serious discussion of American rapprochement with Cuba….

Yes, Castro is a dictator and guilty of serious human rights violations, yet many Cubans believe that they are much better off with him running the country rather than the Fulgencio Batista regime that he toppled….

Unlike many dictators, Castro has not built monuments to his wealth and power. In fact, most public buildings are simple, sparsely decorated and devoid of modern conveniences such as elevators. One of his most extensive construction projects was a sea wall to break the waves that now serves as a gathering place for Havanans on hot nights.,,,

Castro has not indoctrinated his people to hate the United States or Americans. The Cuban people welcome us with open arms despite examples of America’s overreach in foreign policy everywhere….


In fact, there is only one American that they didn’t like-Donald Trump. Every Cuban we met begged us not to vote for Donald Trump because they fear his presidency would disrupt relations between our two countries….

AAAAAYYYYYYYYY…. If you are a glutton for abysmal stupidity, bigotry, and callousness, read the whole thing HERE

2 thoughts on “And the Simon Legree Prize in Condescendingly Bigoted Neocolonialist Journalism goes to… The Huffington Post”

  1. Carlos, you do this Goldman person too much honor by deigning to notice her deeply disreputable drivel, but I suppose somebody has to call out such bunk–not that it will do much good, I’m afraid. People like Ms. Goldman are not just aggressively ignorant and highly predisposed to swallow whatever tripe confirms their “natural” bent, they are also smugly self-righteous and arrogantly self-satisfied, quite beyond the reach of “those people,” to whom you belong. Truth, of course, is beside the point. This is about politics or ideology, or more precisely, ideological fashion, not to mention perverse prejudice.

    My favorite part is how she rather grudgingly admits that Cuba has a dictator and serious human rights violations, but says it like those are minor nuisances clearly compensated for by the wonderful life on the Castro plantation. She also explicitly states what I have long detected in the usual suspects: the obscenely grotesque notion that Cubans are better off now than they were before 1959. Oh, and I’m sure I don’t need to tell you this, but if you were to confront the woman directly, the odds are very high that she’d claim to “get” Cuba better than you do. This sort of ludicrous, not to mention obnoxious, presumptuousness is so absurd that the best response may be laughter, even if it is risa amarga.

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