Quote of the day

The Financial Times has an article about the Latin American leftists who are attending this week’s European Union-Latin America summit in Madrid. It seems that all of these leftist leaders agree that it is the EU’s embrace of capitalism, and not its overspending on socialist programs, that is the culprit behind all their economic woes.

Notably missing from this EU bash-fest were Hugo “Magilla Gorilla” Chavez, and Raul “I’m a little princess” Castro, who elected to boycott the event to show solidarity with the disgraced Honduran ex-president, Mel “The Zionists are shooting me with death rays” Zelaya. This left only Bolivia’s Evo “Capitalism is bad unless you’re a coca farmer” Morales to carry the banner for communism, which brings us this choice quote from the FT article:

In the absence of Chávez and Castro, Mr Morales warmed to the role of summit Marxist, using a low-profile breakfast on Tuesday in the Intercontinental Hotel to espouse state control while railing against the US and the International Monetary Fund.

Nothing livens up a party like a Marxist caudillo hopped up on cocaine spouting senseless propaganda.

3 thoughts on “Quote of the day”

  1. Here is another quote this one from Woody Allen: “It would be good…if (Obama) could be dictator for a few years because he could do a lot of good things quickly,” [Woody] Allen is quoted as saying.

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