USA Today highlights primitive anti-plague measures of Cuba’s noble savages

From our You-Know-If-You-Left-Them-To-Their-Own-Devices-They’d-Be-Wearing-Bones-In-Their-Nostrils-And-Eating-Their Own-Children Bureau

Hey, Mildred, look! I told you so, I told you so!

These Cubans are all inferior sub-human savages and god-damned pagans!

And they mix paganism with idolatrous popery!

Filthy brutes, all of ’em!

No wonder their strong leaders insist on building and maintaining apartheid facilities for tourists!

Aaaaah, but look, Mildred, how nobly they confront the current plague. That great attitude of theirs must be the effect that communism, free education, and free health care has had on their paleolithic culture.

Yes, Midlred, everything Cuba is doing to cope with this plague is absolutely exemplary! If only President Trump could learn a lesson or two from them, we’d be better off…

…And the world’s news media is all in agreement with this perspective, so it must all be true…

From USA Today

The family of Emilia Montoya, 79, sacrificed four white doves and two roosters, chanted in the African language Yoruba and pounded a wooden staff rhythmically on the floor in a ceremony to protect Montoya from coronavirus.

The small gathering in her Havana home appealed to their ancestors and honored Inle, the deity of health in Santeria, a ritual-filled Afro-Cuban religion. Montoya does not have the virus though Cuba has so far reported 170 confirmed cases.

“We are calling these blessings upon her to keep her healthy,” said her nephew Henry Rodriguez, 40, leading the ceremony. “But this ceremony isn’t just for us; it’s also for global health.”

The risk of spreading the virus has ruled out the large ceremonies of drumming and dancing that characterize Santeria, a religion that fuses Yoruba beliefs and traditions, brought to Cuba by African slaves, with elements of Catholicism.

But devotees – of which there are millions in the Caribbean island nation – are turning to their pantheons of Yoruba deities called Orishas for strength in intimate family ceremonies or individual rituals at home.

“Every day when I get up, I stand on the porch, look up to the sky and ask God to … send the epidemic away,” said Montoya, who in normal times runs a weekend school teaching Cubans to get in touch with their divine gifts like the ability to hear or see spirits.

“Then I light a candle and pray to my Orishas for the whole world,” she said, her thick, twisted Afro locks wound up into a white scarf, as mandated for such Santeria ceremonies.

Some Santeria devotees are also coordinating, largely via social media, small simultaneous rituals performed in self-isolation at home…

…On March 22, for example, Santeria devotees heard they should light two candles at a precise hour and pray to the Orishas for their protection.

“May Obatala (one of the main Orishas) protect us from the pandemic,” wrote Magdalena Barrera Valdes on a Facebook group for Santeria practitioners worldwide with 44,000 followers, posting a photo of her candles, on which 76 people commented “ashe” meaning “may it manifest” in Yoruba.

Continue reading HERE to pick up some tips on how to protect yourself from the plague with primitive rituals… Fascinating!

3 thoughts on “USA Today highlights primitive anti-plague measures of Cuba’s noble savages”

  1. Leave it up to the mainstream media to refocus the attention of corbid-19 care in Cuba from the regime’s appalling unpreparedness and policies that help spread the disease [like for instance rationing lines that are used by the tyranny in order to keep Cubans constantly procuring for food and therefore not able to rebel] to something as offensive as this. The origin of this article is likely the regime itself as it is good at leading the American mainstream media like cows with rings around their noses to wherever they want to to lead them and that’s usually to puff pieces.

  2. A lot of backwardness, not to say stupidity, lingers on as “culture”. This being that “cultural heritage” that is only folkloric when diluted and presented in small dosages. Otherwise, it is a burden and an embarrassment.

    Are Mexicans of aztec descent still worshiping the sun, performing human sacrifices, and cutting themselves to offer their blood to the gods? No.

    At least Cubans showed to be more progressive than their Latin American “brothers” when they did away with the “cultural heritage” of bullfighting – despite being under Spanish rule for much longer than any of them.

    That said, by now I find that other cultural heritage and vestige called “Roman Catholic Church” far more dishonest and insulting than Santería.

    I will, however, give them credit for their sense of architecture.

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