Cuban dictatorship carries out 300 documented acts of repression in November

Repression in communist Cuba persists unabated, with the Castro dictatorship continuing its 64-year reign of terror on the Cuban people with almost complete impunity. While the UN Human Rights Council was conducting its Universal Periodic Review, the Cuban people were victimized by at least 300 acts of repression by the communist regime during the month of November, according to a human rights organization.

Via ADN Cuba (my translation):

OCDH documents 300 acts of repression in November in Cuba

At least 300 acts of repression were recorded in Cuba in November while the regime in Havana underwent the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the United Nations Human Rights Council, as denounced this Tuesday by the Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH).

Yaxys Cires, Director of Strategy at the OCDH, told ADN Cuba that “no matter how much the dictatorship strives to present an international image that human rights are respected in Cuba and denies the existence of political prisoners, these documented violations loudly proclaim the unsustainable situation of the Cuban people.”

According to the OCDH’s statement – sent to ADN Cuba – the repressive actions during this period mainly consisted of arbitrary detentions, which occurred in 85 cases.

Another event reported by the OCDH’s network of activists on the island involves 83 abuses against political prisoners. Among them stands out the death of Luis Barrios Díaz, 37 years old, imprisoned for peacefully demonstrating on July 11, 2021.

As reported by the organization the previous month, Barrios Díaz died due to negligence by prison authorities.

Once again, in the report, the OCDH called for an investigation and justice for this death while under police custody.

Also prevalent in November were raids on the homes of activists and opponents, threats, police summons, trials, and fines.

“Amidst the analysis of Cuba at the UN regarding the human rights situation and the visit to the island by the European Union’s Special Representative for Human Rights, Eamon Gilmore, the Cuban regime continued its repressive offensive against activists and the civilian population. This demonstrates that the current pressure mechanisms are not sufficient in protecting individuals from the government’s actions on the island,” stated the OCDH.