The ‘Latin’ (aka Latrine) Left: Nothing but class (watch the hand)

As we know, the aggressively anti-peronista Javier Milei (considered ultra-right-wing by Latrine standards) won the presidential election in Argentina. The photo shows Cretina (aka Cristina) Fernández de Kirchner, the outgoing VP, giving the finger before entering Argentina’s Congress for Milei’s investiture as new president. Showing her subtlety and imagination, she wore flaming RED (evidently, not only Hugo Chávez was that crass). She looked like a blood clot.

Once inside, she had to suffer the humiliation of swearing in the new VP, Victoria Villaruel. Even Wife of Bill didn’t stoop so low (publicly) after Trump won in 2016. Maybe it’s a hot-blooded “Latin” thing. Or maybe it’s just chusmería.

But it’s OK. I expect the most exalted of Argentines (except Evita and Maradona), “His Holiness” in Rome, understands Cretina. If he was not exactly thrilled with the last non-leftist president of Argentina, Mauricio Macri, one can imagine how he sees Milei, who makes Macri look tame and moderate indeed. Also, to be fair, Cretina may feel the young, fresh and elegant new VP was chosen deliberately to make her look bad (not that it takes much). And, of course, we already knew Cretina had dignity issues–how many former presidents follow that up with being a VP?

Also, as an unintended bonus (of sorts), the sui generis (aka excruciatingly ghastly) Rosario Murillo of Nicaragua can now lay claim to being more of a lady than Madam Kirchner. Murillo is still utterly unpresentable, but class will out.

Just another day in the Latrine political telenovela (aka freak show).