Dictatorship asks Cuban women to ‘be patient’ over total lack of sanitary napkins

From our Bureau of Socialist Mental and Physical Hygiene with some assistance from our Bureau of Socialist Recreations of Stone Age Lifestyles

No Kotex for anyone! Stay calm and get out your rags. Good socialist women don’t need fancy sanitary napkins. Remember the eternal struggle and the glorious utopia we’ve promised to create. Just tear up some of your old clothes and be grateful that we have allowed you to have old clothes that you can tear up and use in place of sanitary napkins. And don’t complain because other hygienic, pharmaceutical and medical items are also unavailable.

Who needs antibiotics in a socialist paradise? We have eliminated capitalist bacteria. Who needs colostomy bags? Once our Maximum Leader Fidel died, there was no longer any need for us to make or import colostomy bags. Who needs condoms? Procreate, procreate, procreate. We need a constant supply of young people to send into the diaspora, so they can send remittances. Vamos bien. Patria o Muerte.

Loosely translated from Periodico Cubano

A Cuban regime official in the province of Guantánamo advised Cuban women to “be patient” as the shortage of sanitary pads will not be resolved soon. This product, essential during women’s menstrual periods, is in short supply, as are a wide range of medicines throughout the country.

“With the delivery of the sanitary pad, a product that has been affected for over a month, we ask women to be a little patient because it is being delivered gradually, it will not all be available at once.”

The statement from the Guantánamo official has sparked various reactions among the population, highlighting the tension and urgency that the crisis has generated among citizens, especially among women, who are directly affected by the lack of these essential products for their health and hygiene. Amid a widespread shortage that includes basic foods and electricity, Cuban women are one of the population groups hardest hit by the crisis.

“Today we are dealing with around 278 provincial shortages. Among the most affected pharmacological groups are antimicrobials, that is, antibiotics, and chlorinated products. Chlorinated lime, for example, is another product that people always have a greater need to consume and it has not been possible to have it here in the territory,” he said in an interview with the local press.

Additionally, there is a shortage of controlled card products dispensed for special situations such as urinary collection bags, colostomy bags, and cannulas. There is also a shortage of alcohol and sterile cotton for diabetics. Hypotensives are currently affected.

The island suffers not only from a lack of bread, milk, and electricity but also faces an alarming deficit of more than 270 pharmaceutical products, including antibiotics and even personal hygiene products such as condoms and sanitary pads. This bleak panorama reflects the magnitude of the supply crisis facing the Caribbean nation.

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