Candidate for president in Mexico vows not to hire enslaved Cuban doctors if elected

Xóchitl Gálvez

From our Bureau of Electoral Promises with some assistance from our Bureau of Twenty-First Century Neo Slavery

Will this promise win her votes? Hard to tell. Xóchitl Gálvez is trying to distance herself from Mexico’s current leftist government, which has showered Castro, Inc. with all sorts of gifts, including the hiring of its enslaved doctors. Let’s hope that Mexican voters will have the good sense to vote for her, for their own sakes. Cuba is a very demanding Chupacabra, and expensive to maintain.

Loosely translaed from Marti Noticias

The opposition presidential candidate Xóchitl Gálvez affirmed this Monday that, if she wins the elections, Mexico will not hire more Cuban doctors.

“The bringing of Cuban doctors has only served to simulate the financing of an authoritarian regime,” she said during the presentation of her health plan.

The current Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador has received harsh criticism for trying to cover the deficit in health personnel with specialists from the island when many of the Mexican doctors are unemployed.

In May 2022, both countries signed an agreement through which 806 Cubans from 36 specialties have been hired, according to the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS). The most recent group (123) arrived less than two weeks ago in the midst of controversy over the massive layoffs of health personnel in different states of the country.

The agreement between the federal government and the island’s Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) contemplates the hiring of 1,200 specialists to work in medical units and hospitals of the Decentralized Public Body (OPD) IMSS-Wellbeing.

continue reading HERE in Spanish

1 thought on “Candidate for president in Mexico vows not to hire enslaved Cuban doctors if elected”

  1. Yeah, she’s going to be elected president like that Kennedy guy (whose family is supporting Biden).

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